The Bard's Tale

The Bard's Tale
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    16 February 2025

The Bard's Tale is amazing full 3D MMORPG game for Android! Probably one of the best RPG! You are in the role of the bard, a selfish rogue who is already weary of pointless sub-quests and rat-infested cellars. Now through the magic of the song that rogue, ie You cause to join the fight different characters, and these characters are able to heal not only Your ranks, but yourself. Do not hide your weapon and keep it always ready, as You once again embark on a dangerous journey in search of treasure, money and fame.

You are 50 enemy types, a huge and dangerous world to explore with towns, wild forests, rivers, castles, towers, secret dungeons, snowy mountains, caves, graves and many others. The game has 16 magical characters, more than 150 unique items of weaponry. But this is only a small part of what is here.

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Requirements to v1.7.2

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Available cache download through the application
  • Requires free space: от 1400 Mb

Download gameThe Bard's Tale

v1.7.2  Original

16.02.2025 - Android 15 support

Install via SAI or PDALIFE APP

Cache for The Bard's Tale: unzip the folder to /Android/data/
- path will look like this: /Android/data/com.inxile.BardTale/
- install apk, launch the game!


Votes: 3

v1.7.1  Original

v1.6.8  Original

Russian voice

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  • Thrashlord
    Thrashlord 4 years ago
    Thrashlord 4 years ago

    Where should I copy max graphics file? I put it in the bard's tale's cache, but when I launch the game, I have to download 3.5 gb of graphics again.

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