NETFLIX Moonlighter

NETFLIX Moonlighter
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    11 January 2024

Moonlighter from Netflix is an action-RPG game in which you have to try on the role of Will, a brave shopkeeper who secretly dreams of becoming the hero of this action role-playing movie. You're your own boss during the day. Lay out the goods, carefully set prices, dispose of the accumulated gold, hire assistants and work on improving the store. But be careful — some dark personalities may try to steal your valuable goods. Get to know your neighbors and do everything together with them for the prosperity of your Market town. Help others open their own business and watch how it develops. Create new ammunition and weapons together with other residents and cast spells on existing ones to increase your abilities. Find rare treasures for your shop, fight enemies and improve your fighting skills by exploring new territories at night. The more places you open, the more riddles you can solve.

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Requirements to v1.13.52

  • OS version: Android 8.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 500 Mb

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v1.13.52  No Netflix

7.08.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 11

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