Terraria APK full [Mod Menu]

Terraria APK full [Mod Menu]
  • OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese

  • Update date

    22 October 2024

Terraria is a popular sandbox game that can be played on Android devices. Within this game, players have the chance to craft their own unique worlds to explore. You can upgrade your character, uncover new weapons, battle tough bosses, construct your dwelling, and work to survive against numerous challenges.

Highlights of the complete Terraria APK [Mod Menu]:

  • Over 1,250 crafting recipes for potions, weapons, armor, and other items
  • 25 different types of blocks to create anything you can imagine
  • 150 diverse monsters to encounter
  • A variety of bosses to take on
  • Realistic physics for water and lava

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Requirements to v1.

  • OS version: Android 6.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 500 Mb

Download gameTerraria APK full [Mod Menu] Mod Menu Full

v1.  Full. Mod Menu

22.10.2024 - Changes not specified.

Menu mod:

- Immortality (you do not get almost all the damage from mobs, but you can suffocate under water or die from poison)

- A lot of items (select any item in the inventory that has more than one piece, then click on the Share button and confirm - in the inventory there will be 2 stacks of this item, 255 pieces each)


Votes: 11

v1.  Full. Mod Menu

v1.  Full. Mod Menu

v1.  Full. Mod Menu

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