Available in English


  • OS

    Android, iOS

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  • Language

    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Others

  • Update date

    13 January 2025

Tallowmere is a blend of platforming and action RPG games. Save the Princess from captivity, which is located in a spooky, dark cave. In the game it is fashionable to celebrate all that has collected in itself these two genres: traps and obstacles, bosses, different monsters, treasures, and long walks through dark, barely lit corridors. Enemy attacks you block with your shield and inflict damage with their weapons. As in any other roleplaying game, you can pump your character, change weapons, costumes and armor, use items. The levels in the game are randomly generated.

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Requirements tov352.10

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 200 Mb

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v352.10  Full

13.01.2025 - Changes not specified.

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