Shadow Fight 3

Android, iOS
English, Russian
Update date
28 April 2023
Shadow Fight 3 - series one of the most popular games for smartphones. This magnificent fighting sink into the soul of anyone who loves different fight. Simple combat system with a huge number of combinations which also depend on the weapons that you have equipped! You can become a master of anything from a spear to the nunchuck. And in addition to the advanced combat system, the developers have released a new engine and the graphics became even better and brighter. Fight for your honor, fight for money, fight for the glory!
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Rating of 13 users
Requirements to v1.31.1
- OS version: iOS 8.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 150 Mb
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.31.1 Original
v1.13.1 Original
18.10.2017 - Changes not specified.
Votes: 7
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