Available in English

Shieldwall Chronicles

Shieldwall Chronicles
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  • Update date

    24 February 2019

Shieldwall Chronicles is a tactical RPG for IOS where you control a squad of mercenaries and lead them into the dangerous cold of the land of Terrene. Take control of a squad of various characters, each of which will have unique skills and abilities that will be useful to you in battle. Develop your tactics of warfare and consider the strengths and weaknesses of his squad. Enter the battlefield with soldiers and fight against the demons, dinosaurs and other undead and use them against spells and sharp daggers. Find the balance between fighters and wizards and save the Northern Kingdom from destruction.

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Requirements tov

  • OS version: iOS 11+
  • Requires free space: 3.06 Гб
  • Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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