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    15 June 2024

Demeo" is a cross-platform cooperative journey for four participants, where magic and the spirit of collectivism are present, much like when you gather with friends around a gaming table to resist the forces of evil. Dark forces have engulfed the underground world of the role-playing game in the "dungeon exploration" genre, where you cannot survive alone. Take on the role of a skilled hunter, mysterious wizard, deadly assassin, guardian-protector, agile bard, powerful warlock, or wild barbarian. Choose your heroes wisely in this joint journey, as once the players set out, they must work together to defeat the diabolical force consuming everything around them. Or die trying.

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Requirements to v1.36.0

  • OS version: iOS 15+
  • Internet: required
  • Requires free space: 1.53 Гб

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v1.36.0  Original

15.06.2024 - Changes not specified.

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v1.35.0  Original

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