UFC Undisputed 2010

UFC Undisputed 2010
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    27 November 2019

UFC Undisputed 2010 is an exciting game where you will plunge into the atmosphere of "fighting without rules". In this game you are transported into the octagonal ring where you can fight with different opponents and send them into the knockout. The game will give players intuitive and simple controls where you can customize a fighter in his own way. Check out the game modes where you can build a career of a brave soldier or fight against real players from around the world online. In the game all the men will look like live and will have an excellent animation. Become a master of various martial arts and improve your fighter.

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Requirements to v1.0

  • OS version: PSP

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v1.0  Original

27.11.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 20

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