NBA street: Showdown

Update date
05 March 2015
NBA street: Showdown is a virtual basketball court in a sports game for the PSP. The game is dynamic and the opponents are able to throw balls as well as you. To beat such professionals, it is necessary to exert maximum effort and add a huge desire to win. Among your opponents will be as the stars of basketball, and legendary NBA players. And so you do not bother about the rules, just note that it's a street basketball without rules. The only thing that matters is the ball, the ring and the opponent! Control of the game is good, but practice will have to master the high art of maneuvering and minimal equipment. Wi-Fi gives the ability to play up to 4 players. There are also surprises, but they know you in the game...
Russian language: no
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Rating of 6 users
Requirements to v1.0
- OS version: PSP
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v1.0 Original
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