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Red Bull X-Fighters

Red Bull X-Fighters
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    07 December 2016

Red Bull X-Fighters is a great game where you accept your part in dangerous challenges to operating a motorcycle. In this game you sit behind the wheel of your two-wheeled friend and doing stunts, riding on a hilly terrain, overcoming many barriers and obstacles on the way. Participate in 50 various competitions and show case all your skills to control a motorcycle. Collect bonuses and fly up as high as possible, riding at the jumps and hills. Discover new tracks of this game and get various achievements and prove that you are the best rider in the world. Enjoy excellent graphics and physics of the game.

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Requirements to v0.8

  • OS version: PSP

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v0.8  Original

7.12.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

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