Virtua Tennis 3

Virtua Tennis 3
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    11 February 2015

Virtua Tennis 3 - rejoice fans of the category sport games for PSP - here is a fun and dynamic tennis! Here passions are worse than football or even Boxing, because to become the winner must have excellent training, to train and to give everything on the court at 100! Such a force is not for everyone! Having mastered the basics, start your career with a friendly match, on which you will be able to Express themselves and to learn special techniques and combinations! And when your skill will grow to a good tennis - you are waiting for matches with these stars of tennis! Sharapova, Nadal, Federer, the Williams sisters and many more! Of the features of the games separately is worth noting:

  • the editor of the character
  • details about the lives of celebrities behind the scenes
  • "smart" the opponent, which immediately adapts to your game
  • fields with different coverage in all parts of the world
  • the visual range of the new generation, every drop of sweat in sight!

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Requirements to v1.0

  • OS version: PSP

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v1.0  Original

11.02.2015 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

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