Time Turner

Time Turner
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    25 August 2016

Time Turner - atmospheric puzzle game the main hero of which is a cubic character named Qube, who wants to avenge the death of his beloved called Qubi. Going on a dangerous journey through the abyss, our hero is forced to pass the intricate levels and solve dozens of puzzles, and your task is to help him in this. The intrigue of the story is that as you progress through Qube understands that meaning to avenge the death of his beloved pointless, and at one point gets a chance to resurrect Qubi. With this episode, the development of the game changing the overall mechanics remain the same. Original graphics, amazing soundtrack perfectly captures the atmosphere of the game conceived by the authors of the project.

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v1.08.18  Original

25.08.2016 - Changes not specified.

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