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    Android, iOS

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    English, Russian, Others

  • Update date

    01 March 2025

Fortnite mobile - Rumors about the release of Fortnite on mobile devices went back to June 2018. Then the game became a temporary exclusive for the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 for as long as 30 days, and only after a long wait has the game finally made its way to other owners of Android devices. Except that officially the game supports an extremely small number of devices, and most of them are flagships.

It all starts with an interesting plot twist. After some natural tragedy the world was shrouded in a violet cloud, which has not only ruined the ecology of the planet, but also flooded the world with thousands of zombies. Our hero runs away from the crowd of these cute creatures on the shelter, where we are taught the basics of the game.

It is based on the good old Tower Defense game concept with one small, but significant difference: here we use the modular type of building the shelter.

Heroes are divided into several classes. Each class has unique bonuses and skills. There are a lot of weapon types in the game, unaccustomed for such genre: here you have the usual bats, guns and something more unique, for example, fishing rod that you can catch... fish. And it is a good health restorer. Also the weapons in "Battle Royale" mode have several types of quality, which are denoted by the color of the icon. The better the quality of the weapon, the higher the damage it inflicts, as well as its rate of fire.

The quality of textures and their detailing is amazing, and the interior design elements are some of the best we've seen. And on mobile devices the king's 60 FPS were received only by 4 devices, the rest have to be content with 30 frames per second, which for the genre is not too much.

But absolutely all of the above, except for the number of frames, is leveled by the one main game mode - "Battle Royale". The developers have completely changed the original concept and went to the mass consumer. By completely removing the TD mode Epic Games concentrated on the battle royale, constantly adding something new and this new is added so often that it would take forever to write a review of the game. A bunch of seasons, limited skins, and holiday themes that you can collect endlessly.

The controls, on the other hand, have been made as user-friendly as possible for touchscreens. But we still advise you to use a gamepad. With it you'll get a big advantage over the other players.

So what do we have in the end? Great and stylish graphics, good controls, permanent online presence and a wide range of modes. If you like this type of game like battle royale, then Fortnite is one of its best representatives on mobile devices. It's a pity, but because of high hardware requirements, not everyone will be able to try it.

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Requirements tov34.00.0-40228973

  • OS version: Android 8.0+
  • Internet: required
  • Available cache download through the application
  • Requires free space: 7.35 Gb
  • Multiplayer: via the Internet

Download gameFortnite

v34.00.0-40228973  Original. Epic Games

1.03.2025 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v34.00.0-40047215  Original. Epic Games

v33.30.0.39471542  Original. Epic Games

v33.20.0.39277041  Original. Epic Games

The beta version will work on the following devices:which devices are compatible with Android mobile version of Fortnite?

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