PROJECT Anomaly: online tactics 2vs2

PROJECT Anomaly: online tactics 2vs2
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    15 January 2022

PROJECT Anomaly: online 2vs2 tactics – plan your actions, strategy and tactics, because this will depend on your victory. You will be involved in various battles and battles, fight monsters, upgrade skills, use modern weapons and enjoy the colorful and dynamic process. Earn money and get various bonuses, move to the new locations and make alliances to work in a team. In the game clear, realistic graphics and many dynamic possibilities.

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Requirements to v0.7.12

  • OS version: Android 6.0+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Requires free space: 360 Mb

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v0.7.12  Original

15.01.2022 New GP system Fix FPS and icon

Votes: 3

v0.7.11  Original

v0.7.9  Original

v0.7.8  Original

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