Pokémon Duel

Android, iOS
Update date
11 May 2017
Pokémon Duel – take control of your pokemon and take part in exciting duels. In this game you will find yourself on a field divided into squares, a convenient position and attack the opponent. Gather your invincible team of six pokemon, each of which has its own unique qualities and set of balls. Approach the figures of opponents and deliver a devastating blow, while carefully thinking through your strategy and tactics. Collect enough points and compete with friends for the best scores in the game. Play against the computer or fight in the arena against players from around the world.
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Rating of 2 users
Requirements to v3.0.0
- OS version: iOS 7.0+
- Requires free space: 189.46 Mb
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v3.0.0 Original
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