Update date
16 November 2024
SIMULACRA - a fascinating detective game in which you will be able to see real actors and places that exist in our world. The story begins with the fact that you find someone's lost phone, and it recorded the call for help. Of course, you do respond to this prayer and begin to explore the information contained in the memory of the mobile device. Read correspondence of the stranger, see pictures, check your email. Some files are corrupted and you have to restore them before you can recreate a full picture of what happened. Only you and your abilities of deduction depends on the fate of the poor girl.
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Rating of 2 users
Requirements tov1.0.53
- OS version: iOS 9.3+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 294.69 Мб
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
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v1.0.53 Original
v1.0.45 Original
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