Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game

Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game
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  • Language

    English, Russian, Others

  • Update date

    18 September 2021

Hitchhiker" is a detective game - Save a loved one by uncovering all the secrets of your own past. Remember long-forgotten secrets and find new leads in the case of life and death, explore every corner you visit, and be ready to completely change your reality. Catch rides to move around, engage in wonderful conversations with many drivers, enjoy the incredible landscapes around you, and piece together the puzzle correctly, because the story is quite tangled. Improve your puzzle-solving skills and find yourself.

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Requirements to v1.0.59

  • OS version: iOS 13+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1140 Mb

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v1.0.59   Original

18.09.2021 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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