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    25 October 2016

BLOOD PEACH - an exciting and extremely addictive arcade game in which playing at least once you will not be able to defer mobile device for a long time and every minute of your free time you spend helping the protagonist. You ask what is the secret of the game? Apparently in its simplicity.
As such, the storyline in PEACH BLOOD just yet, we only know that things are moving in some kind of fantasy world, consisting of simple geometric structures, islets, icebergs and platforms. While the world is closely inhabited by various beings, which differ from each other both in size and abilities. You play the role of one of these creatures, the task is quite simple, run through the locations, trying not to catch larger individuals, in turn eating smaller, collect trophies and improve. This combination of simplicity and dynamics is able to pull in the gameplay anyone.

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v4.92  Original

25.10.2016 - Changes not specified.

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