Need for Speed No Limits

Android, iOS
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Update date
24 March 2025
to start is to understand that Need For Speed No Limits — a shareware game and this distribution system has its own characteristics. It is everyone's favorite energy in this case is presented in the form of gasoline and currency, for which it can be replenished. But surprisingly the game doesn't directly show the importance of the presence of fuel and in every way it throws, even for minor achievements, or taking the next level. She tries to keep the player as long as possible and uses a lot of techniques. A lot of rewards you will get for everything. Drove close to traffic glasses use often nitro? Points! And to diversify the already monotonous and boring short races will only pretty and surprisingly extensive opportunities of external tuning your car.
But do not hurry to rejoice: you still have not forgotten that playing a shareware game? As soon as you go into the item with the pumping characteristics of your car, you will see a drop things and terrible system cards. By the way, the cars you will get for a certain number of them. The office has simplified very much — now your car is moving literally "on rails". The game finally turned into a very ordinary runner. From a graphical point of view the project looks nice, but optimization is poor: the tracks have a gorgeous texture, and the cars in front of the cardboard. And that's on top device? With the musical component from NFS No Limits is also trouble. And it's not even in the selected tracks. They are here, by the way, very good, but even, alas, the end can not be able to listen to. For short races you will not be able to rate and half track. And since the developers have not thought through this point, you have almost every other race to listen to the same excerpt of the same composition.
to Summarize. The game has a very simple base and poor graphic design, but interesting at first, racing in the future will become a daily routine. The problems that were in the game at the start still has not been fixed. Game you can safely ignore. It is no more NFS, and a completely meaningless game is that with a good tuning opportunities.
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Rating of 218 users
Requirements to v8.3.1
- OS version: Android 5.0+
- Internet: required
- Available cache download through the application
- Requires free space: 2 Gb
Download gameNeed for Speed No Limits Mod Menu
v8.3.1 Mod Menu
Mod menu:
- Unlimited nitro
Cache for Need for Speed No Limits: download through the application
Votes: 0
v8.3.0 Mod Menu
Mod menu:
- Unlimited nitro
Cache for Need for Speed No Limits: download through the application
Votes: 0
v8.2.3 Mod Menu
Mod menu:
- Unlimited nitro
Cache for Need for Speed No Limits: download through the application
Votes: 1
v8.2.0 Mod Menu
Mod menu:
- Unlimited nitro
Cache for Need for Speed No Limits: download through the application
Votes: 0
Comments to Need for Speed No Limits on Android
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you know what???i useless..because when u press the nitro..rival also have the same mod..because not only u can boost the nitro..but rival also get the benefit
8.3.0 please thxx
8.2.0 please
Update please...
Update please...
Ya piden actualización del juego, por favor, sería amable de actualizar, y si podría ponerle otras funciones aparte de nitro como combustible al menos también infinito. Gracias.
user876620, si... estoy de acuerdo contigo amigo...
Update please
Update please
7.9.0 please...
Update v7.9.0 please
So far is good... But please add more features like unlimited money or unlimited gold...