Combo Pool

Board Games
Update date
14 March 2025
Combo Pool is an exciting game where you throw colored balls, colliding them with each other. When balls of the same color touch, they merge and transform into a new, more powerful color. However, the more balls there are on the field, the faster your health bar decreases. When it runs out, you'll enter sudden death mode, where the last ball thrown can save you by clearing the field. You can enable the display of numbers on the balls in the pause menu to help distinguish them more easily.
- Dark and gray balls deal more damage to your health bar, so avoid clustering them together.
- The more ricochets before a merge, the higher your score.
- Quickly merging two dark balls right after throwing is a great strategy.
- Try not to blow up pink balls too early; the final explosion will yield more points!
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 3 users
Requirements to v0.10.1
- OS version: Android 1.5+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 10 Mb
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v0.10.1 Original
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