Modified Mi Home by Vevs’a

English, Russian
Update date
09 February 2025
This is the same app for the smart home of Xiaomi, only with better and accurate translation of actions, conditions and statuses.
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Rating of 9 users
Requirements to v10.0.706
- OS version: Android 4.1+
- Internet: required to start (wi-fi)
- Requires free space: 155 Mb
Download appModified Mi Home by Vevs’a
v10.0.706 Original
v9.3.700 Original
v8.5.701 Original
v5.9.19 Original
Full list of changes
- Added translation of actions/conditions, partly status and cards for multiple devices(thank you Alex Kvazis for the data collected!). Some edits of the translation and layout of the interface;
- To facilitate further transfer, all the data from the cloud is requested with the English localization; plug-ins also reported the need to use English (because some of them use default Chinese language in the absence of the requested locale). Unlike the version from the forum that I do not replace the English localization for Russian (which would have the effect of visually similar specified above), so both languages are still available.
- UDP: since he began to appear more and more transferred by the manufacturer of the plugins (although most without tears will not look), the need to use English localization (see the update from 14/01/18) are now reported only for those plugins where the default language in China. Ie, all normal plugins will try to use is selected in the system localization, and the list of "gifted" - will be forced to use English (it is not difficult to guess, the Russian in them anyway);
- Added ability to collect various data string (statuses/actions/notifications and tokens) in the file on the memory card for further transfer (details in article);
- Changed the storage location of the plugins for manual replacement without root. The solution differs from that presented at the forum that are not the root of the external drive, and the standard applications folder on the external drive, i.e., "/sdcard/Android/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/files". This location allows you when the application is deleted by the system automatically and delete the plugin folder (which seems correct);
- Restored the ability of the scripts to disable themselves. I think that the manufacturer is confusing to deal with curves in a loop running conditions, and just cut off that possibility (albeit a little bit at the cost of flexibility). Use wisely and with caution;
- Removed useless in our latitudes, and motolese eyes the condition for changing the weather in China;
- Disabled most of the Chinese elements of the interface (store, recommended scenes, voice control, consumables, etc.), i.e. the application will look like the selected region is different from mainland China. Briefly checked, like basic functionality was not injured, but required "check battle". Waiting for the results in the comments, if anyone is at all needed;
- Disabled the voice control button and the news banner in the settings;
- Disabled onscreen-advertising and push notifications with it;
- disable the new login page by phone number, the default is the normal login Mi account;
- Added color separation of cloud and on-premises scenarios: lists the scenarios (in addition to lists child devices) the names of the cloud will appear dark blue;
- Added display device token in network properties and display the scenario ID (us_id) in its properties. The token for the device ID of the script and the user ID can be copied to the clipboard by long tap.
Comments to Modified Mi Home by Vevs’a on Android
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Hi. I was able to combine thru this modified mi home app i have my xiaomi mop essential which is in singapore region and philips zhirui smart bulb which works with chinese server. It works like a cham thanks to this modified mi home app however i found this modified mi home app cant recognized by google home it appears that it only shows my xiaomi mop essential and cant see the smart bulb. Is there someone also encountered this issue?