NotiGuy - Dynamic Islet

NotiGuy - Dynamic Islet
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    28 June 2023

NotiGuy - Dynamic Islet  Try a completely new and most convenient way to receive notifications, just like on the released Iphone 14! The notch will be the main place to work on the notifications that have appeared, when you click on it, a more detailed list will open for you, and when you close it, a small icon of the avatar of the person who sent you the message or the application that sent you the notification will appear on it. You can edit the style of the functionality yourself by changing: size, placement, color palette, special effects.

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Requirements to v1.8.7

  • OS version: Android 9.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 3 Mb

Download appNotiGuy - Dynamic Islet Premium

v1.8.7   Premium

28.06.2023 * More Notch Touch options: mini apps drawer, trigger an automated task, open a website or switch brightness. * 2 New notifications style. * Option to set notch functions on long touch. * Camera flashlight on Notch touch. * New shine style and effects around camera cutout. * Material You coloring theme. * Manual size of the minimized island. * Option to enlarge expanded notification. * Improve dynamic animation * Option to repeat the showing of the island every a set period of time.

Votes: 0

v1.8.4   Premium

v1.8.2   Premium

v1.7.2   Premium

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