
English, Others
Update date
22 October 2021
With the help of the MeowTalk application, you can easily interpret what your pet says when he wants to eat, walk or play. 9 feline feelings and emotions will be subject to you and you will be able to easily recognize what your cat wants or feels at one time or another. The program tells when a cat is experiencing happiness, is going to hunt, is angry, defends itself, is ready to attack, wants mating games, it hurts her or she wants to rest. Now the original meow dictionary will not be a mystery to you and you will be able to guess any of the words in the cat's language. Build the right dialogue and achieve unity with your pet.
App rating
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Rating of 3 users
Requirements to v0.9.3
- OS version: Android 7.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 37 Mb
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v0.9.3 Original
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