Shift Work Calendar - FlexR

Shift Work Calendar - FlexR
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  • Update date

    09 November 2024

In mobile platforms, there are a huge number of various notebooks, notebooks, widgets, applications, to compile work schedules. However, the developers of such programs are trying to make them the most versatile in order to attract the maximum number of users.
the creators of the app called FlexR Pro (Shift planner) went a slightly different way, focusing on people working in shifts. FlexR Pro (Shift planner) helps to develop a work schedule, as well as all the necessary things at the weekend, while the functionality of the program is really impressive so everyone will be able to choose user-friendly interface and a scheduler for myself.

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Requirements to v7.17.06

  • OS version: Android 7.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 15 Mb

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v7.17.06  Pro

9.11.2024 - Changes not specified.

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