Human Anatomy Atlas

Human Anatomy Atlas
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    English, Others

  • Update date

    29 July 2024

Human Anatomy Atlas - 3D anatomical Atlas for Android will be indispensable for people related to medicine, and just interested people. Great help to study and fill knowledge gaps on human anatomy-women and men =). For you tried a group of highly qualified specialists, whose work was checked by doctors and anatomists. So all in their places, and error is not possible =).


  • Start with function display (View) of hundreds of miniature images, which are sorted by departments and anatomical systems.
  • Click on the thumbnail to launch a 3D model that shows interest departments or anatomical structures.
  • Model can rotate, bend, zoom, hide, may change its definition to study from any angle of any number of anatomical structures in playback mode, displays unclear or hidden from sight.
  • Tap on an anatomical structure to identify to output its name and display the anatomical hierarchy to which it belongs.
  • read definitions for any of the anatomical structures which comprise Visible Body.
  • search for anatomical structures by name and identify them or add them to the model.

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Requirements to v2024.00.005

  • OS version: Android 8.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 1 Gb

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v2024.00.005  Unlocked

29.07.2024 - Changes not specified.

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v2023.04.011  Unlocked

v2023.02.001  Unlocked

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