Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Android, iOS
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Update date
12 August 2022
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – does it make sense to talk about the game, which everyone knows? Even if you have not played the Grand Theft Auto series, you definitely heard about it. You don't know the story came from, and learn as the game goes on mobile devices, right? So, Rockstar have once again surprised with the quality of a port of the classics. Once we even imagine I could play a full "GTA" on a mobile device. And here the turn has come to go back to neon city, full of colors and style of 80-ies.
the First thing we meet is very convenient operation. If on a small smartphone screen you will obstruct the view on the tablet interface buttons for control, practically does not block the view. And that's fine. Yes, the mission with the helicopter now go easy, you can write this in the cons.
the Radio is not changed, as of late it is often the case with mobile ports. There is also the possibility to create your playlists using your own music. But with the preservation of disputable situation. On the one hand the game has no save anywhere as they would like, with the other oldfagi will be happy, because again, we have to get to the hotel and remain there.
the Graphics are slightly prettier, and now we see the HD textures in high resolution, new weather effects, and improved lighting.
Conclusions: GTA: Vice City is still good, and even decades later has not lost its qualities. If you are not familiar with this part, now is a great chance to catch up, and convenient operation and improved effects will help you with this.
App rating
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Rating of 707 users
Requirements to v1.12
- OS version: Android 7.0+
- Internet: not required
- Download cache only from the site!
- Requires free space: 1500 Mb
Download gameGrand Theft Auto: Vice City Mega Mod
v1.12 Original. Mega Mod
Mega mod: (select save)
2nd slot - the game is 100% complete;
3rd slot - the beginning of the game with a lot of money;
4th slot - all available side quests are completed, but the storyline is not completed;
5th slot - completed a mission with a helicopter.
Cache for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtavc/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 77
v1.10 Original. Mega Mod
Mega mod: (select save)
2nd slot - the game is 100% complete;
3rd slot - the beginning of the game with a lot of money;
4th slot - all available side quests are completed, but the storyline is not completed;
5th slot - completed a mission with a helicopter.
Cache for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtavc/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 30
v1.09 Original. Mega Mod
Mega mod: (select save)
2nd slot - the game is 100% complete;
3rd slot - the beginning of the game with a lot of money;
4th slot - all available side quests are completed, but the storyline is not completed;
5th slot - completed a mission with a helicopter.
Cache for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtavc/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 242
v1.07 Android 4.0+ Original. Money Mod
Cache for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: unzip the folder to /Android/obb/
- path will look like this: /Android/obb/com.rockstargames.gtavc/
- install apk, launch the game!
Votes: 246
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