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Doom & Destiny Worlds

Doom & Destiny Worlds
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    19 May 2022

FINAL FANTASY 10-2 is a Japanese role-playing game released in 2003-2004, is a sequel to Final Fantasy_X. This is the first game (from the Final Fantasy_X series) in which the number of game characters is limited to three, and they are all girls. The combat system is based on a turn-based strategy, the feature of which is that the players take turns, and the enemy does not wait for the player to make a choice. The variety of professions, classes makes the gameplay diverse, and the abundance of costumes and equipment turns into a colorful world, into which it drags with its head.

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Requirements tov1.0

  • OS version: PS2
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 2680

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v1.0   Original

19.05.2022 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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