Arma Mobile Ops

Arma Mobile Ops
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    21 August 2017

At the time of its release, tactical turn-based strategy Arma Tactics made a real breakthrough in mobile platforms, because before the advent of Arma Tactics Android platform was completely devoid of the genre. And now, after several years Studio developer Bohemia Interactive decided to change the direction of the projects and to pay attention to strategy in real time.
Arma Ops Mobile is a classic RTS made in a recognizable style. The main feature of the game is an impressive set of weapons, buildings, defense structures all this will allow you to fully realize your tactical and strategic skills. In addition to the single company Arma Mobile Ops allows multiplayer battles.

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v1.10.0  Original

21.08.2017 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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