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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    30 December 2023

DomiNations – famous game well-known artist Brian Reynolds where you will go on an exciting journey and will start the game in the stone age and reach our era. Your task will be to build their own state, and expand it, choose your nation and make it the most powerful in the world. Build, build outstanding buildings, increase their holdings, recruit the most experienced generals and conquer other States.


  • Select which nation you will fight
  • Walk through history and become the first discoverer of fire and gunpowder
  • Choose the main generals of Alexander, Napoleon and other
  • Build the first Seven Wonders of the world
  • Create alliances with other players

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Requirements to v12.1310.1311

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: required
  • Available cache download through the application
  • Requires free space: 578 Mb

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v12.1310.1311  Original

30.12.2023 - Changes not specified.

Cache for DomiNations: download through the application


Votes: 1

v10.1110.1110  Original

v10.1100.1101  Original

v9.1020.1020  Original

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