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    English, Spanish

  • Update date

    18 February 2025

CASK - Build a nation from scratch, gather resources, and command armies to conquer a virtual world. CASK brings back the classic mechanics of real-time strategies with fast-paced and exciting 30-minute sessions. Start with a small village equipped with a town hall and two residents. Grow your nation by collecting wood, gold, and food; build houses and castles; and train your residents to become soldiers—knights, archers, and more. Develop your army, plan attacks, and defend on all fronts as you break through vast continents.

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Requirements to v5.4

  • OS version: Android 6.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 251 Mb

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v5.4  Original

18.02.2025 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 2

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