Available in English

911 Operator

911 Operator
  • OS

    Android, iOS

  • Category


  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    07 August 2024

911 - the emergency phone number by calling on which you can not only call on the scene, firefighters or police, but also to obtain all possible assistance in anticipation of the arrival of these services. The operators of this service is extremely responsible, because it is necessary to realistically assess the situation and decide whether the caller is telling the truth or this is the telephone terrorist, and depending on assessments to make the right decision. And so, in the simulator, called 911 Operator you have to try their hand at the role of the dispatcher 911. It is worth noting that the game developers have implemented a huge number of possible scenarios, so be prepared for any surprises. And full support for Russian language will help you to fully realize your skills.

App rating

Editors rating
Rating of 42 users
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Requirements tov6.08.19

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 400 Mb

Download game911 Operator Money Mod Unlocked

v6.08.19  Original

6.09.2024 - Changes not specified.


- DLC available


- DLC available

- When shopping, money increases

- You can make a purchase even if you don't have enough money

Cache for 911 Operator: unzip the folder to /Android/data/
- path will look like this: /Android/data/com.jutsugames.operator911/
- install apk, launch the game!


Votes: 1

v5.07.11  Original

v4.03.24  Unlocked. Money Mod

v3.07.29  Money Mod. Mega Mod

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