
  • OS

    Android, iOS

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    English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Others

  • Update date

    26 February 2025

Wreckfest - Racing is always associated with drive, tension, adrenaline, extreme moments, breakneck speed and drift โ€” especially it is a race for destruction.. Start your own career as a racer on one of the tracks, without being afraid of difficulties during the race: destroying cars both into obstacles and into each other. The most important thing you can do is to maximize the strength of the selected machine, otherwise it will quickly become unsuitable for the continuation of the competition. In addition, ride harvesters, lawn mowers, school buses in test mode!

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Requirements to v1.0.88

  • OS version: Android 9.0+
  • Internet: required for online mode
  • Requires free space: 6.5 Gb
  • Multiplayer: local

Download gameWreckfest Unlocked

v1.0.88  Unlocked

26.02.2025 - Changes not specified.

Install via SAI or PDALIFE APP


Votes: 1

v1.0.82  Unlocked

Comments to Wreckfest on Android


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  • user803430
    user803430 2 years ago
    user803430 2 years ago

    INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES: Failed to collect certificates from /data/app/vmdl1319458642.tmp/0.apk using APK Signature Scheme v3: integer overflow
    Not online ;/
    Not online

  • Phenomenal AJ
    Phenomenal AJ
    Phenomenal AJ 2 years ago

    Plz update to v 1.0.79 its with insane graphic updates.

  • user800113
    user800113 2 years ago
    user800113 2 years ago

    please update v1.0.76

  • user784219
    user784219 2 years ago
    user784219 2 years ago

    Update to latest please ๐Ÿฅฐ

  • user779239
    user779239 2 years ago
    user779239 2 years ago

    Hello again all. I just wanted to reply again to say the game works for me now. Thanks to Baran7 anda couple other users here. Yes even though the cache loops, after 5 mins or less it should close out. It never actually goes up to 100%, once it closes then install the patched apk file and it will overwrite the cache and then you open the game and all should be working. It's a really cool racer

  • user698484
    user698484 2 years ago
    user698484 2 years ago

    Is it possible to unlock DLCs on the purchased version of the game?
    I played the version from this website for some time and then decided to buy the game. So I made the full backup of the game with SwiftBackup, installed the game from Play Store and restored everything from backup except the APK file.
    All my progress was fine and I was able to log in with the Google account but none of the DLCs were unlocked anymore.
    So I updated the game with APK from this website again and DLCs were unlocked again but Google login wasn't available.
    So is it possible to modify some of the data files instead of the APK to unlock DLCs?

  • user709662
    user709662 2 years ago
    user709662 2 years ago

    For anyone who has issue installing the game, here is what you need to do:
    - Install cache APK FIRST (3.2GB)
    - After it is installed, open it and let it run until it automatically closes (ignore the resetting progress bar)
    - Then install the patched APK (1.1GB)
    - Open the game and enjoy!

  • user780590
    user780590 2 years ago
    user780590 2 years ago

    Installing this is a fuckfest
    The cache one is just looping

    • Baran7
      Baran7 2 years ago
      Baran7 2 years ago

      user780590, The cache seems to be in a loop but it is not, what you have to do is... First install the cache APK, open it and it will begin to install the cache, the application will automatically close when it has finished installing the cache correctly. NOW, install the patched APK, open the game, hit start and that's it! ๐Ÿ˜

  • user779239
    user779239 2 years ago
    user779239 2 years ago

    As I said my issue, it's the same as Baran7 . The cache install gets to around 24% then goes back to 1%, keeps looping like this. I even waited like 10 mins and it just kept resetting back to 1 percent. Never gets past the 24% really. Is there a way you guys can make the cache be an OBB FILE as mostly every other android game's cache is?

  • Baran7
    Baran7 2 years ago
    Baran7 2 years ago

    No se instala el cache, empieza desde el 1% hasta el 24% y asรญ se repite un y otra vez hasta que se cierra la aplicaciรณn sola.
    Corregir eso. No es jugable me poco f4 gt

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