Worms: Battle Islands

Worms: Battle Islands
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    05 August 2016

Worms: Battle Islands - developers from the Studio Team17 know their stuff. Cult game Worms won in his time many gaming hearts. Game mechanics have not changed much since the release of the first part of the game. You, as always it is necessary to destroy the enemy team is located on level. As always in your Arsenal a huge choice of all manner of tools, from simple bits, and the injection of powerful air strikes. The game is turn-based, the levels are destructible, the controls are simple, gameplay is just great – these are the main features of this great game. Good luck!

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Requirements to v0.7.6-627

  • OS version: PSP

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v0.7.6-627  Original

5.08.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

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