Smart as

Smart as
  • OS


  • Category

    Puzzle Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    06 December 2018

Smart as – puzzle game where you solve puzzles and puzzles, and reveal who's smarter than everyone else. In this game your task is to use your wits and logic to solve arithmetic problems, based on thinking and observation. Dial the maximum points and unlock new and interesting tasks and puzzles. Thanks to a special function in the game you will be able to finally identify who is most intelligent in the world – the French or the Germans, men or women, as well as blondes or brunettes.

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Requirements to v1.0

  • OS version: PSP Vita

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v1.0  Скачать через торрент

6.12.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 3

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