Buzz! Brain Bender

Buzz! Brain Bender
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    Puzzle Games

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  • Update date

    28 October 2016

Buzz! Brain Bender – a great puzzle game for the PSP, which is designed for a large company. In this weight you with your friends and participate in the intellectual TV show, where you'll solve challenging puzzles and puzzles. In this game you will meet a large number of different questions on topics such as: music, celebrities, TV, sport, science, nature, film and General knowledge. One of the players has become the leading, which has a special role it will be to decide whom to ask questions and what. Participate in quick rounds, which are designed for time and ingenuity. Solve those or other tasks associated with pictures and illustrations. Enjoy the company of friends and enjoy their free time.

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Requirements to v0.7

  • OS version: PSP

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v0.7  Original

28.10.2016 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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