Available in English


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  • Category

    Internet and network

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    25 March 2019

You are boring popular instant messengers? If you want to try something new, pay attention to the Chinese WeChat — it is stable and feature-rich instant messenger, very popular in China. After a simple registration via phone number, you will get access to the vast possibilities of the program: you can write text messages, use voice calls or video calls, available group chats, send multimedia messages (photos, video), the program provides a variety of sticker packs that you can download additionally, there are mini-games and lots of other interesting possibilities.

to search For contacts, the app scans your address book for other users of WeChat, but does not add all found, but only offers you to choose the interests of users manually, which is handy if you want to keep it private. If you contact a service no one uses, you can try to look for new acquaintances: a simple shake of the smartphone shows a list of who is also eager to communicate with new people. A big plus of the service — availability of the web version.


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v7.0.3  Original

25.03.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 4

v6.1.0.66  Original

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