Vandal Hearts 2

Vandal Hearts 2
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    16 September 2022

Vandal Hearts 2 - Special children grew up in one of the peasant areas: the bully Joshua, the aristocrat Adele, the clever Yuri and the son of the bartender Cline. Each of them has unique abilities to act and think in their own way, but fate will bring them together very soon, namely when they see the pattern of the gallows noose. The plot clearly shows that not everyone can resist the authorities, so it is the war that will bring as many troubles as possible and teach people to live differently. Get an arsenal of more than 120 types of weapons and try to achieve world peace.

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Requirements to v1.0

  • OS version: PS
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 93 Mb

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16.09.2022 - Changes not specified.

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