Union - Combine, Blend, and Edit Photos

Union - Combine, Blend, and Edit Photos
  • OS


  • Category

    Graphic editors

  • Language


  • Update date

    24 November 2017

Union - Combine, Blend, and Edit Photos is the app allows you to easily mix and edit images. The program has special functions:

  • TECHCRUNCH (processing)
  • GIZMODO (mixing)
  • CULT OF MAC (edit and save)

Together with Union you can create an overlay and editing and duplicate pictures and collages. When you change, you can use the workaround: replace colors, adjust position, size, foreground and background, palette, texture, contrast, lighting, etc. the Resulting image you can easily share with friends by sending it via email or if you share in the social network.

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Requirements to v

  • OS version: iOS 8.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 49.75 Mb

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