Instagram is one of the most popular services in the world. There is probably no one who has never heard of Instagram. Millions of people already use it, but what is it? It is a kind of social network in which people share their photos and videos. The system here is pretty simple, you just need to post pictures and people will be subscribed to you, you can also subscribe to your favorite actors or other channels. Now every second person is registered in this service.
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Rating of 25 users
Requirements to v372.1.0
- OS version: iOS 8.0+
- Internet: not required
- Requires free space: 113.92 Mb
- Compatibility: iphone, ipad, ipod touch
Download appInstagram
v372.1.0 Original
v355.0.0 Original
v341.0.0 Original
v286.1 Original
9.06.2023 - Fixed some bugs and improved performance.
Votes: 1
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