Them Bombs: co-op board game play with 2-4 friends

Them Bombs: co-op board game play with 2-4 friends
  • OS


  • Category

    Board Games

  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    23 August 2019

Them Bombs: co-op board game play with 2-4 friends – addictive game for Android where you will be in the company of friends to defuse the bomb. Game rules are very simple in the room there is an unexpected hero, who has to find and defuse the bomb. The other players are a group of experts who have in your use the instructions for defusing a bomb. The group needs to explain to casual player how to defuse a bomb and do it in the shortest period of time. The time will not work in your favor, so act as quickly as possible, just follow the instructions of experts.

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v1.5  Original

23.08.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

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