The Enchanted Cave 2

The Enchanted Cave 2
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    30 August 2024

In the universe The Enchanted Cave 2 somewhere in the terrible backwater is a small village. The only thing she was known for, it's the fact that there's an old, nearly depleted mine. No work, agriculture at zero, in General, boring and dark. But everything changed in one moment one of the diggers successfully hit the pick and found the emptiness that was the corridor of an ancient cave. At the first examination, was discovered chests with all valuable belongings and bags of gold. News about the amazing discovery in the blink of an eye flew to the Kingdom and the settlement immediately captivated adventure seekers of all stripes.

Selecting the character, a little listen to the conversations of local and come into danger. The initial levels are filled with ordinary animals and small mushroom creatures to defeat them is not difficult. But then - giants, necromancers, undead and all other amenities will make you work hard to get to the treasure. But the good news is that the opponents are idols and not run to you from all sides. A little patience, crafting, improve the performance and selection of the best equipment and you will overcome any enemy.

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Requirements to v3.402

  • OS version: Android 12+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 200 Mb

Download gameThe Enchanted Cave 2 Money Mod

v3.402  Money Mod

30.08.2024 - Changes not specified.

- If you don't need the features of the mod, start a new game


Votes: 1

v3.354  Money Mod

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