Update date
15 October 2023
TECHNOCORE - is a unique game where players can infiltrate drones, collect loot boxes and participate in exciting adventures. In this world, drones are the main means of transportation, and players can use them to explore vast territories. Players can collect different types of drones, each of which has its own unique characteristics and abilities. They can also improve their drones by adding new features and capabilities. One of the main elements of the game is the collection and decoding of loot boxes that contain various items and resources. The game takes place on a desalination plant, where players must complete various tasks and missions. The installation is filled with security turrets that need to be bypassed or hacked in order to achieve their goals.
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Rating of 7 users
Requirements tov1.0
- OS version: Android 10+
- Internet: required
- Requires free space: 820 Mb
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v1.0 Original
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