Sweet Drmzzz

Sweet Drmzzz
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    02 October 2019

Sweet Drmzzz is a fun arcade puzzle game has won several prestigious awards and received a lot of positive reviews among gamers. And pleasant impressions of the game delivers as a visual component combined with the gameplay and game design in General.
Plot Sweet Drmzzz tells us that as soon as you fall asleep, your "mini version" moved to alarm clock standing on the nightstand nearby, and then sent into a space where actually there are the main events. Once in space you will take part in various mini-games, from simple arcade games, like snake, to complex puzzles based on physical laws. As you progress you will learn the whole story.

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Requirements to v2.2

  • OS version: Android 2.2+
  • Internet: not required
  • Download cache only from the site!

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v2.2  Original

2.10.2019 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

v2.1  Original

v1.2  Original

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