Counsellor, Akunin

Counsellor, Akunin
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    English, Russian

  • Update date

    02 January 2014

Counsellor, Akunin on Android. The seventh book of Boris Akunin's series of "the adventures of Erast Fandorin". It will be about 1891, when the fermentation in the minds of revolutionary ideas popular among young people, everywhere there are revolutionary groups. But not all is only a fashion. A group calling itself the "G. B." works accurately and boldly. Killed Siberian Governor-General. Killer – the person who presented the documents of Erast Fandorin. Erast Petrovich accepts the challenge and takes on the investigation. Who is behind letters "G. B."? What made them terrorists? For the sake of which they commit their bloody crimes? All this you know having read the book on your device. From the settings books are available: font, brightness and color palette.

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v3.0.1  Original

2.01.2014 - Changes not specified.

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