Starborne: Frontiers

Update date
29 January 2024
Embark on an exciting space adventure to the stars, set in a distant future. Uncover the secrets of 10 opposing factions, ranging from the immortal Children of the Eternal Living to the disenfranchised Marauders; all of them seek to dominate the galaxy. Your task as a commander will be to confront threats emanating from all corners of the galaxy. Is your fleet ready for these challenges? Find out in this stellar tactical gacha game, where you will test your strategic skills in thrilling battles on space ships. Take part in various game modes: embark on an extensive campaign and explore the universe of Starborne: Frontiers. Battle powerful bosses, earn rewards, and acquire legendary weapons and armor for your ships. However, that's not all that awaits you...
App rating
Editors rating
Rating of 4 users
Requirements tov20253
- OS version: Android 9.0+
- Internet: required
- Available cache download through the application
- Requires free space: 700 Mb
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