СПАМ (новелла)

СПАМ (новелла)
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    10 June 2023

In this exciting visual novel, you will immerse yourself in the world of Mira Kalinina, an ordinary teenage girl who wants to remain a child during the crazy and confusing days of her life. Some of the difficult choices she has to make will make her really wonder if she will be able to return to her usual life. During the game, you will uncover many secrets, encounter unpredictable abilities to find adventures at every turn. However, be careful: not everything here is as it seems at first glance. 

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Requirements to v3.9

  • OS version: Android 4.4+
  • Internet: required for first run
  • Requires free space: ~ 400 Mb

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v3.9   Original

10.06.2023 - Changes not specified.

Cache for SPAM: download through the application


Votes: 7

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