Campus: Date Sim

Campus: Date Sim
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  • Language

    English, Russian

  • Update date

    22 April 2020

Campus: SIM Date is a fun Dating simulator in your phone. Radar phone the main hero pointed the way to a woman's University campus. There, he met with the giddy girls, each of which fascinates with its beauty. You have to meet girls and try to charm each of them the attention, gifts, compliments, flirtation. You have the right to decide the fate of the character, since the game is interactive. Everything is in your hands, choose what kind of phrase it's the right moment to say or what to do. Every girl is individual and has their own traits. You need to find a way to the heart of each. The campus will give you the opportunity to relax and enjoy communication with beautiful girls.

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Requirements to v1.3

  • OS version: Android 5.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Download cache only from the site!
  • Requires free space: 1433 Mb

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v1.3   Original

22.04.2020 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 0

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