Sky Fighters 3D

Sky Fighters 3D
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    19 February 2023

Sky Fighters 3D – take control of a military fighter jet and lift it into the air performing dangerous missions to destroy the enemy. The floodgates are open, restrictions on take-off shot and the soldiers ready to fight. In this game you will play the role of a rookie air force whose responsibilities will include management of combat aircraft, combat with the enemy, undermining and destruction of enemy targets and the victory over the enemy. As the game progresses, upgrade and improve your piloting skills, improve your equipment and defend their country.


  • a Huge battlefield will allow you to enjoy the joy of free flight
  • Enemies attack from all directions, experience an adrenalin rush, flying under the shower of bullets
  • 10 superb aircraft, a few dozen parts, create the most powerful aircraft
  • 48 different levels 4 battle mode and diverse content that will give you great pleasure

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Requirements to v2.2

  • OS version: Android 4.0+
  • Internet: not required
  • Requires free space: 19 Mb

Download gameSky Fighters 3D Money Mod

v2.2  Money Mod

19.02.2023 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v1.5  Original

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