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Siralim is (Roguelike / RPG)

Siralim is (Roguelike / RPG)
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    04 October 2017

siralim is (Roguelike / RPG) – take control of your valiant heroes and guide them along the dark labyrinths and dungeons fighting monsters. In this game you have to be a brave ruler of the Kingdom and explore all of the land adjacent to it. Build your army and embark on a fascinating journey through dungeons and labyrinths, meeting on the way numerous enemies. Search for powerful monsters that will want to join your army and increase its strength. On your way there will be a lot of traps, obstacles and barriers to avoid them all and get experience. The game will not let you get bored, as the levels will be randomly generated. After the battle, collect weapons and uniforms, as well as a variety of materials and resources.

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v2.5.2  Original

4.10.2017 - Changes not specified.

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v2.0.74  Original

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