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    17 March 2018

SimSimi - in the modern world there are so many different apps to communicate is and ICQ and agents, and Skype and much more. But all this is applicable if your circle of friends is great and always have someone to talk to. What to do if you have no friends or you want to chat with a virtual boyfriend, which is easier to tell about the sore. For these purposes, Chinese developers have created such a cheerful yellow bun, which is endowed with logical thinking and is able to hold a conversation! As it is implemented in the learning mode you can enter the passphrase question and then in the next field to enter the passphrase answer. Because a lot of people have installed this app, vocabulary bun is great! You can communicate in Russian, it's not a problem, so start chatting, and funny dialogues save in "quotes" to please them others!

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v6.8.2.7  Original

17.03.2018 - Changes not specified.

Votes: 1

v6.6.1.6  Original

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